November 1, 2021
Monday 1 November 2021 marks the start of the 20th annual Pro Bono Week and we at 4 Stone Buildings are proud to be connected with a wide range of pro bono and volunteering schemes, both within and outside the legal sector. In particular:
- Two of our members are trustees of the Bar’s national pro bono charity Advocate, formerly known as the Bar Pro Bono Unit, and many of our members give their time and expertise as volunteers to deal with deserving cases for those who are unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay.
- One of our members founded PILARS (the Personal Insolvency Litigation Advice and Representation Scheme) and developed it into the paradigm of personal insolvency litigation support. PILARS provides advice and representation for unrepresented debtors or bankrupts in bankruptcy proceedings who need legal assistance but are not entitled to public funding and cannot afford to pay for assistance. Another of our members is now currently the Chair of PILARS and many other members regularly give their time and expertise as volunteers for the scheme.
- One of our members is Chair of the Chancery Bar Association’s Pro Bono Sub-Committee, and another member sits on the Committee. They deal with the Chancery Bar Association pro bono initiatives including CLIPS (the Chancery Bar Litigant in Person Support Scheme), the flagship scheme in the Rolls Building that provides ‘on the day’ advice and representation for litigants in person in the Interim Applications Court of the Business and Property Courts and in the County Court at Central London. Many of our members regularly volunteer for the scheme and two have been recognised by the Chancery Bar Association as CLIPS Champions for their contribution in 2021.
- Members volunteer for the CO:IN Pro Bono Scheme, established by City Law School to provide free advice and representation for small companies attending the winding up courts in the Rolls Building.
Alongside the schemes mentioned above, members of chambers undertake a range of other pro bono activities including:
- Free mediation services on referral from the Civil Mediation Council.
- Volunteering at Citizens Advice Bureaux.
- Pro bono advice to barristers facing disciplinary proceedings.
- Free assistance under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003.
You can see more detail about Pro Bono Week on Twitter at @ProBonoWeekUK or follow the Pro Bono Week Linkedin page.
#ProBonoWeek #WeDoProBono