Alastair Tomson has successfully represented the Claimants in an application for service out of the jurisdiction

September 18, 2023

The action, Mikadze & Another v Dechert LLP and others, arises out of allegations that the private investigator was involved in unlawful hacking of the Claimants and persons connected to them, including their lawyers. The Claimants seek final injunctive relief including for the return of the documents and information allegedly obtained from the hacking in breach of confidence (amongst other causes of action), which they believe are held on a laptop belonging to the investigator. In his judgment ([2023] EWHC 2165 (KB)), Mr Justice Michael Green was satisfied that there was a serious issue to be tried, that the relevant defendants were necessary or proper parties to the claim, and therefore made the order for service out of the jurisdiction.

Download the judgment.




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