Commercial Litigation

Legal 500 UK Bar, 2022

4 Stone Buildings is considered a ‘leading commercial chambers with top tier juniors and some of the best silks at the commercial/Chancery Bar‘. Clients also appreciate its ability ‘to take instructions in a wide range of areas with particular strength in commercial company and fraud disputes‘. Members regularly find themselves on the largest disputes to hit the market, such as  Autonomy Corporation v Lynch in which Richard Hill QC, Sharif Shivji QC and Tom Gentleman are all involved for various parties – the matter sits against a broader backdrop of multiple civil and criminal cases concerning HP’s takeover of Autonomy. George Bompas QC also achieved a notable decision on behalf of the appellant in the Supreme Court in Marex Financial Ltd v Carlos Sevilleja Garcia, a case re-examining the law on reflective loss.

Rising Stars

Lara Hassell-Hart – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Very clever and inordinately hard working. She does a fantastic job. 
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Jonathan Crow QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ A superb intellect. His submissions whether written or oral are crystal in their clarity and always incisive. His great skill is in making highly complex and contentious issues seem simple and self-evident. ’
Ranked: Tier 1

John Brisby QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ A very bright lawyer. A great strategist and tactician. A very effective advocate. ’
Ranked: Tier 2

George Bompas QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ A consummate advocate whose style is to engage in effective dialogue with the bench. There is no theatrics, bluster or hyperbole; just calm, measured, clinical persuasion that wins the day. ’
Ranked: Tier 3

Richard Hill QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ An excellent leader on substantial cases with good strategic and tactical judgement. 
Ranked: Tier 3

Andrew Clutterbuck QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ He contributes strong technical knowledge allied to commercial good sense. A great team player. ’
Ranked: Tier 5

Orlando Fraser QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Very charismatic and a great orator. He has the ability to take very complicated concepts and fine distinctions and to distil them into an easily digestible form, not only for judges, but also for clients. 
Ranked: Tier 5

2020 Silks

Sharif Shivji QC – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ As an advocate, he can simplify very complicated evidence and he is a tenacious cross-examiner. 

Leading Juniors

Christopher Harrison – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Absolutely on top of his game. He does not equivocate but provides clear advice to enable a client to take commercial and informed decisions. ’
Ranked: Tier 2

Alexander Cook – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ A highly motivated and intelligent junior who can quickly get to the nub of the issue but who is not afraid to listen before stating opinions or options. His work rate is phenomenal and always of the highest standard. 
Ranked: Tier 3

Tom Gentleman – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Tom has a calm and relaxed demeanour which helps to reduce the stress of working on a highly pressurised matter. His drafting and legal analysis is very strong. 
Ranked: Tier 4

Paul Greenwood – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Strong on the law, drafts beautifully, very easy to work with. His relaxed yet authoritative style puts clients at their ease and instils confidence. ’
Ranked: Tier 4

Gregory Denton-Cox – 4 Stone Buildings ‘ Quick, sharp and completely in control of the facts of the case. He has an excellent strategic sense and is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty. 
Ranked: Tier 5

4 Stone Buildings is a fantastic set to go to in the commercial litigation sphere. They are commercial and able to offer exceptional practitioners throughout the experience spectrum.’

‘4 Stone have set the standard of a modern commercial set – responsive and commercial.’

‘Have used this chambers on many occasions in the past, outstanding selection of leaders and juniors to choose from across all disciplines. Chambers have always supported the wider legal fraternity with outstanding lectures and training seminars. Much deserved recipients of awards and accolades.’

‘A go to set for corporate disputes with great strength in depth.’

‘4 Stone Buildings are a top flight set of barristers with real depth of quality and experience. They are consistently at the top end of reported cases and are a first port of call for almost all matters.’


‘David Goddard runs a lean but mighty team – they are responsive, helpful, commercial and practical and makes solicitors’ lives easier. Ben Lashmar and Ellie Hecht were excellent to deal with.’
